Golden Arrow Awards

The Golden Arrows recognize the best work of communications, public relations and marketing professionals, and student practitioners based in Maine.

Eligibility: work produced January 1 – December 31, 2024.
Submission deadline: February 28 2025

This year’s awards will be presented in late spring, as part of a social/networking event.

Entry fees
Members $45 per entry ($35 for 4+ entries)
Nonmembers $65 per entry ($55 for 4+ entries)

View the list of categories here.
Download our nomination tip sheet and checklist here.

A to-be-determined PRSA chapter will judge the awards based on five areas, below. Two judges will score each entry and the average will determine the Arrow received:

  • Gold Arrow: 90 and above
  • Silver Arrow: 80-89
  • Bronze Arrow: 70 – 79

If there is a discrepancy of 15 or more points between the two judges, a third judge will score the entry if there is potential for a change in the Arrow earned.

Your entries will be judged on the following:

What was the situation or problem that required a communication solution?

What were the measurable objectives of the project?

What strategies and tactics were used?

Describe the execution of the project and the deliverables. Include any links to the work or attachments.

What were the results? How did the deliverables achieve the stated goals and objectives? Include any relevant data/metrics


  1. Register and make your payment below
  2. Once you have successfully registered you will receive a link to the google form where you will submit your entry.
  3. Choose the category of your entry from the drop down. You can review the categories here.
  4. There will be instructions on how to format your entry.  We are asking for 2 page pdfs detailing your project.  Additional directions and an example are available on the google drive form.
  5. Upload your entry to your cloud storage (Google drive, etc.) and provide a link in the MPRC Google entry form.

Remember, your submission deadline is February 28.

Some tips:

  • Stronger entries include measurable SMART objectives and a defined timeline.
  • It may help to reference RPIE (Research, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation) in the nomination.
  • Include specific results whenever possible.
  • Tie results back to your objectives.
  • If you didn’t have time or budget to do research, it’s okay to speak about what you would have done if budget/time allowed.

Judges have reported that it’s easier to score entries that are formatted based on the five areas identified above. We’ve also made a Golden Arrow tip sheet and checklist available here. Good luck!
